Young Adults 18-30 Project

Stiwdio Dyfi is developing a project with young adults 18-30 in Mid Wales in preparation for a National Lottery Fund application to help make this rural area a better place to live for young adults. To get involved with the project please fill in this survey and sign up to our newsletter :) Please be as specific as possible!
People have told us things like there isn’t anything going on for young adults as everyone has left to uni, there aren't many creative opportunities, that there there isn’t anything to look forwards to and that loneliness and isolation is impacting mental health. Suggestions to how to address these types of issues have been wide ranging from a festival run by and for young adults to regular and ongoing workshops in specific area of skills and training that don’t currently exiting in Mid Wales.
Click here: Survey
Mae Stiwdio Dyfi yn datblygu prosiect gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 18 a 30 oed yng Nghanolbarth Cymru yn barodrwydda am Gronfa'r Loteri Genedlaethol i wella bywydau pobl ifanc yn yr ardaloedd gwledig hyn yn y DU. I gymryd rhan yn y prosiect, llenwch y arolwg hwn ac ymretrwch â'n cylchlythyr :) Peidiwch â chael â bod mor benodol â phosib!
Mae pobl wedi dweud wrthym fel nad oes unrhyw beth ar gael i bobl ifanc gan fod pawb wedi gadael i brifysgol, nad oes llawer o gyfleoedd creadigol, nad oes dim i edrych ymlaen ato, a bod unigrwydd ac ynysigrwydd yn effeithio ar iechyd meddwl. Mae awgrymiadau am sut i ymdrin â'r mathau hyn o broblemau wedi bod yn amrywiol o ran cynnal gwyl gan bobl ifanc eu hunain i weithdai rheolaidd ac barhaus mewn meysydd penodol o sgiliau a hyfforddiant nad ydynt yn bodoli yn y Canolbarth Cymru ar hyn o bryd.