Iolo Walker

Iolo Walker

Iolo Walker (b://1997) is a multidiscinipilnary artist investigating power hierachies and systems. Using various mediums, the work recapitulates and regurgitates modern life to interrogate culture. Through workshops, performance, film, sculpture and comics, the work gestures towards an alternative methodology of cohabitance. Iolo is currently living in the Dyfi valley, collaborating on a project with Jeno Davies recontextualising the tale of Bloduewedd. in 2022 they were Artist in residence at Rupert in Lithuania doing a film research project on phenomonelogical domesticity, and co-ran a queer project space in Vilnius. They are a founding member of Open Sky Co-operative, a public space performance collective, and held a Junior Fellowship at Goldsmiths University for MA Art & Ecology. They hold a first in Fine Arts Bachelors with thesis on urban accelerationsim and petrol blobjectivity.