Sat 29th Oct 8.00pm: NOSFERATU (PG) Germany 1922 89min. B&W, Silent. dir Murnau, F.W.
Cast: Max Schreck, Alexander Granach. The original Dracula movie – and still, 100 years on, one of the scariest. F. W. Murnau’s visionary direction and the chilling performance of Max Schreck in the title role make this an undeniable masterpiece of German Expressionist cinema. “A visual and emotional treat. Schreck’s vampire is truly nightmarish, scuttling from shadows like something you’d really like to see back under its rock.” Empire Online. 'Forsaking the highly stylised sets typical of German expressionist films such as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920), Murnau imparted a sense of dread to a real world of forests, mountains and open sea... the vampire had entered the jugular of popular cinema and the contagion is still with us ... years later.' Robert Ebert.